<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Dim rs_not Dim rs_not_numRows Set rs_not = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs_not.ActiveConnection = MM_cnx_STRING rs_not.Source = "SELECT * FROM noticias WHERE categoria= 'Links' ORDER BY Titulo asc" rs_not.CursorType = 0 rs_not.CursorLocation = 2 rs_not.LockType = 1 rs_not.Open() rs_not_numRows = 0 %> Strategies from the South | Estrategias desde el Sur

Here you will find the links to all of the member networks as well as other relevant links.

<%do while not rs_not.eof%>

  <%=rs_not("copete")%> " target="_blank">

<%rs_not.movenext loop%>

<% rs_not.Close() Set rs_not = Nothing %>